Boog Down…..whew, you entered eternal peace like 9 long days ago and I’m JUST now posting!! This loss feels so unreal I don’t think I’ve processed it yet.
Mannnnnn how?!!! Talk about not knowing the day the time nor the hour!!
I’m mad too because I have searched high & low and I know there are quite a few pics with all of us but just a couple with just you and I side by side this 1st pic is over TWENTY yrs ago Boogie but wow you been around longer than that like at least 32 yrs!! My fam, my friend, shoot….my brother, my neighbor, my customer, a damn good one too!!! I aint never not got a tip when you ordered a cake, banana puddn, sweet potato pie or them lemon cupcakes w/strawberry frosting!!!!! Shoooot business partner too!!! Dang Boog we chatted awhile ago about doing a 4Foxx reunion party!! Dang, the parties at the lodge then we moved up to the clubs!! Thought we were big time!!!
Wait….remember you made yourself an honorary T Bird & wasnt even around when we were T Birds!!! Had you a jacket & all Lmbo & crying at the same time. Wow, I guess it’s really hittn me huh? Reminiscing about the good ole days. 1st pic we in Miami, my 1st flight! Boiii that ride back was on a jet, through a storm you remember?!!! Took me years to get on a plane again!
Anyway, still down here shaking & scratching our heads like not Boogie??
Gone from THIS side but forever in our hearts
Love you Boog Down
Rest In Peace
Mannnnnn how?!!! Talk about not knowing the day the time nor the hour!!
I’m mad too because I have searched high & low and I know there are quite a few pics with all of us but just a couple with just you and I side by side this 1st pic is over TWENTY yrs ago Boogie but wow you been around longer than that like at least 32 yrs!! My fam, my friend, shoot….my brother, my neighbor, my customer, a damn good one too!!! I aint never not got a tip when you ordered a cake, banana puddn, sweet potato pie or them lemon cupcakes w/strawberry frosting!!!!! Shoooot business partner too!!! Dang Boog we chatted awhile ago about doing a 4Foxx reunion party!! Dang, the parties at the lodge then we moved up to the clubs!! Thought we were big time!!!
Wait….remember you made yourself an honorary T Bird & wasnt even around when we were T Birds!!! Had you a jacket & all Lmbo & crying at the same time. Wow, I guess it’s really hittn me huh? Reminiscing about the good ole days. 1st pic we in Miami, my 1st flight! Boiii that ride back was on a jet, through a storm you remember?!!! Took me years to get on a plane again!
Anyway, still down here shaking & scratching our heads like not Boogie??
Gone from THIS side but forever in our hearts
Love you Boog Down
Rest In Peace